

Han 4A-SC-M

    • Han 4A-SC-M

    • Tel:0510-85578880

Part number: 09 20 004 4701
Description: Han 4A-SC-M
Data sheet: PDF格式
Series: Han A®
Series, insert: Han® 4 A SC
Size: 3 A
RoHS conformity: Yes
Gender: male
Termination method: for F.O.
Rated current acc. to VDE: 0
Rated current, pollution degree 3: 0
Rated voltage conductor - ground, pollution degree 3: 0
Rated voltage conductor - conductor, pollution degree 3: 0
Rated impulse voltage, pollution degree 3: 0
Pollution degree 3: 0
Rated voltage acc. to UL: 0
Limiting temperature, min.: -40 °C
Limiting temperature, max.: 125 °C
Colour, insert: RAL 7032 (light grey)
Flammability insert acc. to UL 94: V 0
Number of contacts: 4
Wire gauge mm² min.: 0
Wire gauge, max.: 0
Material, insert: polycarbonate
Mechanical working life - mating cycles: >= 500